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Han Z-H, Görtz S, Zimmermann R (2013) Improving variable-fidelity surrogate modeling via gradient-enhanced kriging and a generalized hybrid bridge function.

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Girard A, Rasmussen CE, Candela JQ, Murray-Smith R (2003) Gaussian process priors with uncertain inputs-application to multiple-step ahead time series forecasting. In: Proceedings of the royal society of london a: mathematical, physical and engineering sciences, vol 463. Commun ACM 36:39–49 (ACM)įorrester A, Sobester A, Keane A (2008) Engineering design via surrogate modelling: a practical guide, Wileyįorrester AI, Sóbester A, Keane AJ (2007) Multi-fidelity optimization via surrogate modelling. Int J Hum Comput Stud 86:32–47 (Elsevier)įitzmaurice GW (1993) Situated information spaces and spatially aware palmtop computers. In: IET conference on data fusion target tracking 2014: algorithms and applications (DF TT 2014), pp 1–8įeng S, Murray-Smith R (2016) Transformations of Gaussian Process priors for user matching. Int J Robot Res 26:519–535 (SAGE Publications)įeng S, Murray-Smith R (2014) Fusing Kinect sensor and inertial sensors with multi-rate Kalman filter. In: Proceedings of the 1997 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics, ACM, pp 45–ffĬorke P, Lobo J, Dias J (2007) An introduction to inertial and visual sensing. In: Proceedings of the 2012 ACM annual conference on human factors in computing systems, ACM, pp 2527–2530)Ĭonner B, Holden L (1997) Providing a low latency user experience in a high latency application. In: EMBC’11: 33rd annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society, pp 3479–3483Ĭasiez G, Roussel N, Vogel D (2012) 1 € filter: a simple speed-based low-pass filter for noisy input in interactive systems. Presence 6:355–385īo A, Hayashibe M, Poignet P et al (2011) Joint angle estimation in rehabilitation with inertial sensors and its integration with Kinect.

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Accessed Aug 2014Īzuma RT et al (1997) A survey of augmented reality. The MSE of target selection was reduced by 38.3 % and the average task completion time was reduced by 26.7 %.Īzimi M (2012) Skeletal joint smoothing white paper. In comparison with the Kinect time-delay system, our system enables the user to perform the task easier and faster. In the trajectory-based interaction experiment, each user performed target selection tasks following a trajectory in (a) the Kinect system and (b) the sensor fusion system.

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We implemented the real-time sensor fusion system by augmenting the Kinect with a Nokia N9. (2) User study on a trajectory-based target acquisition task in a spatially aware display application. Experimental results show that the novel GP sensor fusion helps improve the accuracy of position estimation, and reduce the lag (0.11 s). To test the approach, we conducted two experiments: (1) GPs sensor fusion simulation. In this paper we present a novel Gaussian Process (GP) prior model-based sensor fusion approach to dealing with position uncertainty and lag in a system composed of an external position sensing device (Kinect) and inertial sensors embedded in a mobile device for user performance improvement.

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